50+ years of experience A. Nairson Industries(India)

ProPaper Dubai 2023 INVITATION

INVITATION TO VISIT OUR STALL NO: C1c @ PRO PAPER DUBAI 12 TO 14 SEPTEMBER 2023. A.Nairsons Industries (India) was founded in 1968 in Ludhiana. Over the years, the company has become a leading manufacturer of KT (KING TIGER) brand of engineering components.We manufacture a wide range of components that include Adapter Sleeve Series & Range (H & HE ) Hydraulic Adapter Sleeves (HOH) Withdrawal Sleeve Series & Range ( AH & AHX ) Hydraulic Withdrawal Sleeves (AOH & AOHX) Hydraulic Locknuts HMV(mm) 0r HMVE(inch) series Locknuts series (KM,KML,AN,N,HM-T,HM,KAN,KMT,ZM,GUK,DIN1804,Slotted nuts) sales@ktkingtiger.com exports@ktsleeves.in www.ktkingtiger.com +91-9915292157 (whatsapp)

INVITATION TO VISIT OUR STALL NO: C1c @ PRO PAPER DUBAI 12 TO 14 SEPTEMBER 2023. A.Nairsons Industries (India) was founded in 1968 in Ludhiana. Over the years, the company has become a leading manufacturer of KT (KING TIGER) brand of engineering components.We manufacture a wide range of components that include Adapter Sleeve Series & Range (H & HE ) Hydraulic Adapter Sleeves (HOH) Withdrawal Sleeve Series & Range ( AH & AHX ) Hydraulic Withdrawal Sleeves (AOH & AOHX) Hydraulic Locknuts HMV(mm) 0r HMVE(inch) series Locknuts series (KM,KML,AN,N,HM-T,HM,KAN,KMT,ZM,GUK,DIN1804,Slotted nuts) sales@ktkingtiger.com exports@ktsleeves.in www.ktkingtiger.com +91-9915292157 (whatsapp)
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